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What is it?

To those who are familiar with LPMUDs - it is an LPMUD game driver. It runs LPC code just like any other driver, and works on the same principles. However, AGD is a graphical driver. Players don't connect to the server with plain telnet, they use a specialised game client instead.

If you don't know what LPMUDs are, then this explanation might suit you better - it's a game server for running multiplayer adventure games. It uses the old Sierra AGI style for graphics and player interaction.

Current status

See NEWS, TODO and doc/dfuns in the source directory for a clue about the status.
Most basic things are in, it's possible to write functional LPC programs. Arrays are in, but
not all of the dfuns involving arrays. Starting to work on graphics now.
Quite portable, with the help of the GNU Build tools. Compiles and runs on the following systems (this may not be complete):
* Linux (x86, x86-64, Alpha)
* FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD. (x86)
* Solaris (SPARC)
* MacOSX (PowerPC)

No graphics yet.
AGD needs all the help it can get - there's documentation to be written, bugs to be found, features to be requested, and most importantly - bugs to be fixed.
If you feel like helping, e-mail to peep at (use @ instead of at).

Mailing lists

There are two mailing lists at this time:
agd-cvs - notification about CVS commits - high traffic
agd-devel - discussion about AGD development - low traffic (in fact, no traffic right now)
See for information on subscribing and posting.

Acquiring sources.

Check the download link above.

You can also get the sources from CVS. This is bleeding edge, untested, development code. This shouldn't matter right now, as the same goes for the public releases. :)

To get the CVS version using anonymous pserver:
cvs login
cvs -z3 co server

Note that the CVS version doesn't have some symbolic links that are necessary to build. To generate them, do
automake --add-missing
If it barfs, it's probably because you have both an older and a newer version of automake installed, and /usr/bin/automake points to the older version.
If this is the case, try `automake-<TAB><TAB>`, (<Esc> for csh) to invoke autocompletion - if something shows up, use the version number it gives you. On my machine, I'd do
automake-1.7 --add-missing
to use the correct version.

You can also browse the source code with your web browser - use ViewCVS for that.
Latest development version: 0.0.3
Latest public release (unstable): 0.0.2-3

A couple of interesting links related to AGD:
Al Lowe about LarryLand
The lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat and these papers
AGI Messageboard, where the original idea got started (unfortunately the long thread about it isn't archived)

AGD 0.0.2 released
    solicit - 2004-03-15 13:45   -  
This version has a completely new interpreter, along with a different bytecode syntax.
Some features include:
* Escape codes: \\, \", \t, \a, \b, \f, \e
AGD version 0.0.1 (alpha) released
    solicit - 2004-02-08 14:30   -  
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